Friday Reading: Ecclesiastes 3 14-15
Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 3 14
14  I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it; and God does it so that they fear before Him.
The more that we advance in science and technology, the more that we think that we know everything... but in reality it is the opposite because the more that we learn, the more that we figure out that there is even more to learn! Everything is as God made it and not as we think it is – we are still learning about everything!
We care so much about things, worldly things, in our lives that we don't have time to put aside for God, for spiritual things. Our time is taken up in pursuits of knowledge and earthly riches rather than the truth about God. Not only has the world taken over our time and thoughts, but it encourages us to think against God. We forget just how little we are in comparison to the big picture of God.
Everything that God has done is forever. This does not mean that this world is going to last forever – it means that He started a process whereby He created the world and when the time comes He will destroy it... And nothing we do or say is going to change that plan. We cannot tell how long His plan is, nor when things will end. We just have to be ready and waiting for the right time. We cannot change God's plan by trying to destroy the planet before He gets here, nor can we extend our stay by making things perfect in our sight.
God has given us everything in front of us so that we can see that He alone has a master plan and that He alone is our designer and creator. He wants us to know this and to acknowledge this so that we can get to know Him and know that we can have a life eternal with Him. We just have to know that He is behind it all and say “yes, I believe”.
Points to Ponder:
Who do you look at as the greatest inventory that has lived on earth?
How can all the inventors works ever compare to our own DNA that God made?