Key Verse: Acts 26 29
29 And Paul said, I would pray to God, both in a little and in much, that not only you, but also all hearing me today to become as I also am, except for these bonds.
At what stage do you stop witnessing to others? At what stage do you say that enough is enough and go your own way? Well, if we ever start to think that we should be giving up our work for Christ then we need to take a leaf out of Paul’s book because he did not give up in God’s Work once he had started. He was as earnest and dedicated in his work for God as he was in his work against God before he got to know God and one of the things that he reminds us of is that God loved him whilst he was even working against God!
Our aim should be to spread God’s Word to as many people as possible but to do it in a manner in which Christ would be glorified and not condemned. I cringe at some of the ways in which people try to witness to others thinking that the way they are going about things should surely paint a dim view of our God rather than glorifying Him. We do this work for God and not for ourselves. We do this work because God would have us to do it and not because we need to build ourselves up in any manner.
Paul was earnest in his spreading of God’s Word. He did not rub people up the wrong way just to get a reaction from them. He did not break people down so they had nowhere else to turn. It is not our job to judge people in any way but to introduce the Word of God to them. It is the Holy Spirit who will do the convincing and not ourselves; we must but open up the truth and let it be known. We must give the whole truth so that no doubt can be left. We must show people that we believe this truth to the uttermost and that that is the reason why we bring it to them. How can people not believe the truth when it is given in its own light? We can deliver The Word to their ears but God will deliver it to their hearts because that is what He requires from them and us.
Points to Ponder:
What makes you stop witnessing?
Have you been encouraged by God lately?