Tuesday 3 Feb 2009

Tuesday Reading: 1 John 2 1-2
Key Verse: 1 John 2 2
2  And He is the propitiation concerning our sins, and not concerning ours only, but also concerning the sins of all the world.

To me this is one of the key verses that show us just how much Jesus showed His love on the cross. This was written by a Jew talking to others and showing them that Christ had died for their sins; but he also reminds us all that this was not just for the Jews but for everybody! The wording used by John also showed that Christ’s death was not just for people at that time but for those who had gone before and those still to come; in other words for all people throughout all times.

The most amazing part is that Jesus laid down His life for the sins of the whole world. The original text of the bible uses words that carefully distinguish between people who believe that Christ did die for our sins with those who do not. In other words, Christ’s redemption is there for all who believe in what He did for our sins and not for those who reject Him. That is the thing that we have to remember... that Christ did die for everyone, but only those who believe that that is exactly what He did and why He did it will receive Him as our Advocate.

John also uses words such as “little children” to identify the way in which we are looked upon by Christ. Each one of us has been a child at some time and each one of us can probably remember times when we did things wrong and had to be punished; but each one of us has moved on from that time and those things are no longer held against us. We need to come to Him as children, expecting to be forgiven and expecting to be loved unconditionally – just as our parents have done so (and still do).

With that sort of knowledge behind us and the proof of His love for us already having being displayed, how can we not believe that He is our Living God? It is through our faith in Christ’s blood that we find redemption, peace, reconciliation and remission of sin. It is faith in the known but it remains faith because it is in the unseen. That is why God gave us the bible, so we can know He loves us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you worry about not being forgiven?

Is your faith firmly on Christ’s blood?

Monday 2 Feb 2009

Monday Reading: 1 John 1 8-10
Key Verse: 1 John 1 9
9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
One of the hardest things to do is to admit that you are wrong! No matter where we are in our lives, admitting that we have done something wrong is not our idea of fun because we think that it shows us up as a weaker person in some way. But, just as the alcoholic will have to admit that they have a drink problem before they can move forward in their lives, we have to admit that we do have a sin problem before we can move forward with God. Admitting that we have a sin problem or that we have even sinned just a little (as we often see it in our eyes) is something that may well take us a long time to realise.

The first step of becoming a Christian is that admission that we have done things wrong against God. We know that because we have our bibles that will show us exactly where we have done things wrong. Admitting to those things may be hard at first because that then means that you have to admit to not being fully in control of your actions. But when we do make that first step, we can then know just how much God loves us because He has already allowed His Son to die on the cross so that our punishment for those sins has already been paid! That is what Christian loves stems from!

Just because we may well have already admitted our sins and already asked God to forgive us for them a while back, does not mean that we can then forget about any that we have committed since then! Each time we realise that we have done something against God, we need to admit to those sins; that admission being done directly to the one that paid for our sins – Jesus Christ. He has already said that He will forgive us for those sins because He has already paid the price. If we do not admit to them then we are only fooling ourselves because our God is a Just God! Justice must be served... If we say that we have not sinned, then we are telling Him that He died for nothing and that He does not know us! He wants to forgive you...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you admit to being wrong?

How often do you admit sins to Christ?

Sunday 1 Feb 2009

Sunday Reading: Philippians 1 8-11
Key Verse: Philippians 1 8
8  For God is my witness how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.

As you read through your bible, take note of the people that Jesus took pity on, take note of the people that Jesus approached to give them the truth, take note of the people that He loved. We need to take note of what Jesus did because He is our ultimate example by which we should aim to live and if He was willing and able to love those that seemed to be rejected by society, then we should be willing to do so too. However, we should not exclude those around us just to make a point of going after those that society shows need it most because we may well have people around us that need our love and attention too.

Through our brotherly love towards others, we need to show all that they do have someone who cares; through us caring, they will get to know why we care and hence get to know that Christ is the one who has given us the grace in the beginning. What better gift can we ever give to anyone other than Christ? The more that we are able to read our bibles, the more understanding we gain. The more we go out and show brotherly love, the more we are able to understand it too. Sadly that seems to be one more thing that society has forgotten about over time and all because they first took Christ out of their own lives.

God has given us His Word so that we will understand more about the grace and mercy that He has shown us so that we can extend that to those around us. Yes, when people are facing rough times they do look out for places where they can gain comfort. Yes, we do need to step forward and show them how much Christ cares by showing them that we can care. Living a life which is different will set us apart and will allow us to be the example that Christ wants us to be to others. So long as we strive to be that example, Christ will strive to support us in our endeavours. We need to show people that we are different and that we are sincere. Christ showed us exactly that a few thousand years ago!

Points to Ponder:
Are you a Christian?
Do you live a different life?

Saturday 31 Jan 2009

Saturday Reading: Luke 18 1-8
Key Verse: Luke 18 8
8  I say to you that He will avenge them speedily. Yet when the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith on the earth?

The one thing that God wants us to do is to stay in contact with Him always. We do that through our prayers and we can learn what He would have us to do by reading His Word. Our bibles are just amazing... If ever there was needed proof that God knew what we would get up to in our lives the bible is that proof. No matter how far we get away from God and no matter what we get up to in our lives, He has already shown us what we need to do in order to get back to Him through what has been written down for us. When we get into troubled times we can come to Him and plead with Him just as we may have to if we had been accused of something. He is more than willing to listen to everything that we bring before Him and He is Just to make sure that justice is served correctly.

This parable spoke of a judge that neither cared for people nor God. He just did what was right in his own eyes. But when the widow came to him and brought forward her plea, it troubled him and he served to avenge her so that his conscience would be absolved. If we are able to make that sort of affect on a person who neither cares for us nor God, then how much does our word count for when we bring our worries to God? Our God is the Living God who cares for us in a way that we cannot fully grasp. When we bring our issues to Him, He listens! It may take a bit of time for Him to answer us so that we will remember what we have been through and be strengthened to face the issue another day, but He answers us!

Take a good look through the bible and see how many times man has been able to fully depend on God. Take a good look through and see how many times He has defended His people against all odds. Take note of the times when He is the one that has stood up in our stead... What kind of God does that other than one who loves us fully? Lift up your prayers to Him always because He is in charge!

Points to Ponder:
Do you lift up your prayers to God always?
Do you read your bible always?

Friday 30 Jan 2009

Friday Reading: Hebrews 10 32-39

Key Verse: Hebrews 10 36
36  For you have need of patience, so that after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise.

It is certainly no use to say “I am a Christian therefore I will not face afflictions”, nor is it wise to think that you will become prosperous because God will give you money! When we confess our sins to Christ and ask Him into our lives we face a new problem and that is the evil one who will try to do whatever he can to turn us away from God; so we will face afflictions, and then some! Our Christian spirit is not to be selfish and keep God to ourselves but to search for and reach out to others. We take pity on others and want them to find the truth that we have found, even if it means having to face a seemingly uphill struggle... but none of this is of any great substance when we remember just how much we have gained.

Our happiness may not seem much on earth if we sit down and count all that comes against us, but our happiness afterwards is without limit. In mathematical terms our happiness is infinite and any number, no matter how great, is equal to nothing when compared with infinity; that is why we count ourselves as happy in all circumstances! The greatest part of our happiness is not what God can give us here on earth but rather what He has promised us n heaven with Him. We need to have patience so that we can put aside all that we may have to face here on earth so that we can enjoy the eternal promise of Christ our King.

When we finally die on earth we will go to be with Him immediately where He will give us our just reward and cast aside our sin debt because He has already paid it for us. Our conflict may seem hard, fast and rather sharp at times, but it is nothing compared to the rewards we will face in heaven. Our duty is to live by faith here and now knowing that we will die in our faith and that our souls are forever safe. We do not have to die to know that our souls are safe because that is a promise that He gives us as soon as we trust Him for the first time. So when Christ says He is coming soon, that soon can be any length when compared to the eternal which is infinite... Trust in His promises because He cannot lie.

Points to Ponder:
Do you find yourself bogged down?
Are you remembering the infinite joy that faces you?