Saturday 17 Feb 2014

February 17: 1 Corinthians 4 6-13

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 4 7
For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

Isn't it amazing how pride works in our lives. We become proud of what we achieve and what we can do. We become proud about how we can help others. But then we let pride get in our way and our pride begins to separate us from our friends. Our pride gets the better of us even when things go wrong for us! If we look at the good times in our lives, we see how we show pride in how good things get for us. Then when things get rough, we show pride in how bad things get for us... we boast about who has the worst time!

How little we realise just how much God is actually in our lives and how much God is trying to allow us to see that He is! When we start to get overconfident about ourselves, we often stumble and fall – how else do we get saying such as “pride comes before a fall”.  We have all things in our lives because of the grace of God. It is through the richness of God's grace that we are allowed things in our lives. If we start to make others believe that it is anything other than that, then we can expect things to go wrong. If we are not glorifying God for things we have or do, then we are not trusting in the truth and not passing that truth on to others. How can we take credit for the things that are not ours?

If we think we have it bad, we can look back to the apostles’ lives and see just how good we have things in comparison. We can look at people in other countries and see how peaceful and safe our lives are. When we see how good things are going and start to boast about how good we are, we are deceiving ourselves because we know that it is through God's grace that we are allowed what we have. We need to work honestly under God's grace and make sure our work not only reflects God's wishes, but also glorifies God for what He has allowed into our lives. No matter whether we are in the best or worst times – we need to let others know how God can change their lives too.

Points to Ponder:
Do you find yourself boasting without thinking about it?

How often do you let others know that God is behind you?

Friday 16 Feb 2018

February 16: Acts 18 1-4

Key Verse: Acts 18 3
and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them.

At this stage in Paul's life, he was out planting churches. He probably got regular support from those that he had already planted, but he did not rest on that income alone. He knew people would support him, but he was still willing and able to continue with his trade, that of a tent maker. He did not want to be seen to sponge off the churches and more certainly would want to mix with people, so he could learn more about them. Being with people allows you to learn where they are in life and also to show them how a Christian life. There would be no better time to encourage people than in their place of work where he could show them his love and support.

Setting a good example will work more than giving a good speech. People will listen to you talk but may well forget about it the next day. But showing them a good example will last in their memories more than any talk. People learn by example and are more willing to learn when they can be involved with things than having to sit down and listen. A good school teacher will always have something up their sleeve that will encourage the pupils to learn; they may even organise after school activities so they will get to know their pupils better and know what they need.

If we want to make a difference in other people’s lives, then we should be willing to go forward and help others, to go and get involved in things and to bring the Christian way of living into their lives. Cutting yourself off from society may well allow you to grow in your relationship with Christ; but mixing with others will allow you to share that relationship in front of others – encouraging them as well. Don't close yourself off with only the people from your church, but also allow yourself to mix with others when you get the chance to; just make sure you are packing Christ when you go out!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like mixing with others?

Do you take Christ wherever you go?

Thursday 15 Feb 2018

February 15: Titus 3 8-11

Key Verse: Titus 3 8
This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

One thing we must not forget is just because we are saved from our sins and believe in Christ, it does not mean we can now go out and do anything we like because it will be forgiven! We should still strive to uphold the written law whenever we can. It was written for our own good as a way that we can live in peace and harmony with others. To go and destroy that way of living, just because you can, makes you worse than any sinner who does not know Christ; because now you do not have an excuse to do those things!

But we do see many people go to the other extent where they will do things written in the law in spite of others! We need to remember we can go too far and dissuade people from coming to know Christ through the things we do. I am not saying we need to bend the rules to allow us to get on with others, but to not try and extract more from God's laws than He has expounded to us! People try to see more in His Word than is actually written and tell people they are wrong because they cannot see the points they make. If God has not inspired it to be written down, then God has not deemed it required of us. Making up our own rules to suit ourselves is just as bad as breaking God's rules!

We are allowed to live through God's grace. Because of His love we are shown many mercies. Because He cares for us, we can live with Him. Making your own rules and subjecting others to them means that you are trying to act like God. It does not mean you are showing mercy or grace, nor does it mean you are showing others you love them. God's law stands! Anything else is manmade and will not survive.

Just because someone does break the law, it does not mean they are bad. We all break the laws at times. But if someone is willing to listen to you, accept the law, and then break it just because they want to, does not mean we should do the same. Stop and draw back and allow them space to see what they have done wrong. Let God do His work in their hearts.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like others to do what you say?

Do you actually follow what God says?

Wednesday 14 Feb 2018

February 14: Titus 3 1-7

Key Verse: Titus 3 5
he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,

If we want to be loved, then we are the ones who have to start the ball rolling by showing that we are willing to love. Nobody is going to want to love someone who will not love them back. Being selfish does not show others you love them. But if we are willing to listen, be willing to do things, not be willing to gossip, not be willing to quarrel and be willing to allow things to pass, then we are taking those first important steps in showing someone we are willing to be loved and to return the love they may show us.

Christ is the one who stepped forward and has demonstrated His amazing love for us by allowing himself to be hung on the cross for our sins. He is the one who demonstrated He is willing to listen through His actions before His death. He demonstrated His willingness to do things for us, not to gossip, not to quarrel and still allow us to do things (even if they are wrong sometimes). And yet He still showed us His love by dying on the cross. It was not because we first showed Him we were willing to do anything, because we were fools, disobedient, deceiving, lusting, hating, lying fools before He went to the cross. We still are. But He is still willing to show us His love. What an Awesome God we have!

It is because Christ went further than just dying that we are able to live. He rose again from His death to conquer all sin for each one of us who look upon Him as our Lord and Saviour. His resurrection cemented His love for us showing we need not fear His love would ever dwindle or be discouraged by anything. How can we ever think that His love could ever be in doubt when we remember all He has done for us. If you want a perfect example of love today, look to Christ! It's time we started returning His love...

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever think you cannot love someone?

Do you ever think how Christ should not love you? (but He does!)

Tuesday 13 Feb 2018

February 13: Romans 1 24-25

Key Verse: Romans 1 25
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

Many people make the excuse that “God made them this way” so they can continue to go off and do what they will. They blame all manner of things in their life on how they were created just so they can get away with doing what they want instead of what God wants of them. Well, the truth be told, we were all created the same way, we were all created by God and nothing more and nothing less. God created us to have a free spirit and has given each one of us a choice as to what we do with ourselves – the choices we make are our own to make. He will try to guide us, but only so far as if we are willing to listen!

God does not put in us any vile thoughts, no guile, no hatred, no uncleanness... we are the ones who choose to take on those properties. God is simply allowing us to live out our free will. He does not stop us from exercising our free will even if it is hurting Him to watch us destroy ourselves. We are polluted by the very nature we think is around us and we take on whatever social form we think we can handle. It is our choice. It is our own destruction. We see the temptations surrounding us and we give in to them. We lust after the lifestyles we see others have and go for what we can. We are the ones who change all creation which should glorify God and dishonour Him through what we do in our scandalous lifestyles.

The truth of the Gospel will continue to stand forever, but we continue to ignore it when it suits us. If we read it, we should see the truth and defend that truth – but only if we do sit down and read it or get told about it! Once we are acquainted with God, He will never leave us again but instead will open our eyes to the things we previously ignored. He will allow us to see just how far we have gone astray and give us the choice of coming back or continuing to walk our wicked ways. Just because we upheld something else in our lives, it does not mean God has gone away – He is simply giving us the choice...

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are easily lead?

How far do you go before admitting you are the one who changed the rules?