Monday 3 September 2007

Monday Reading: Proverbs 25:16
Key Verse: Proverbs 25:16
16  Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.
I'm sure that one thing we all face is eating too much food at some stage or another. Too much of a good thing can actually end up being bad for you, never mind the pounds that we may find being added around our waists. Our most common mistake is to eat too much of those things that are the sweetest tasting – too much sugar, chocolate and sweets in general. There are so many physical reasons why we should not eat too much of those things, never mind the spiritual weakness we are giving in to.

Once we start to accept the excesses into our lives, we continue to break down our resistance to overeating in these areas. Once we give in, we find eating too much far to easy and often end up feeling bloated or even ill from eating excessive quantities of those foods. Our bodies are simply not built to handle excessive quantities of these foodstuffs – yet we still give in because of the taste.

Imagine now, if you will, something that we do not eat, but do instead. Imagine we find something that is very good to do once or twice, but because we have no longer god a will to resist those temptations, we give in to that physical as well. Suddenly we find that our physical beings are being put in danger because of our weakness against those temptations. Once we found that they were good, but now we find that they may even be damaging our health. We have let the pleasures of our senses overcome us to the extent that what used to be pleasurable may no longer be so.

Greed and lust are two things that we will always find in our way when we face up to the pleasures of our senses. We always want more than we can or should have; and that always leads to some downfall from our side! Learning to live within our needs instead of our wants is a very important part of learning to be more like Christ...

Points to Ponder:
What do you always give in to?
Have you tried asking Christ for help in avoiding your weakest temptations?