Monday 23 Mar 2009

Monday Reading: Matthew 6:31-34
Key Verse: Matthew 6:33
33  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.
How many times have you wondered what you are going to eat, drink or what clothes to put on. Yes, we all do think about these things each and every day... and that is the point of what Christ is saying here; everybody thinks about what they are going to eat, drink and put on. These things are earthly thoughts because everyone thinks them. We all do have to because we all do have to eat, drink and hopefully get dressed each day too; it is the way that we stay alive and live with our friends... but if we are going to make them the centre of our lives, then our lives will be based on nothing more than earthly desires.

What Christ is reminding us of here is that we do tend to get carried away with living and we do tend to leave Him out of our lives too much. We need to make sure that our lives are centred on Him and not on our earthly desires. When we look to earthly things instead of looking to Him, then all we can expect is an earthly reply to what we are seeking. But if we look to Him then we can expect a much better goal and still gain our earthly needs. God knows what we have need of and He knows how best to supply them to us. If we are going to run around doing our own things then we are not allowing God to supply our needs because we are not allowing Him to work in our lives!

It is far too easy to go after earthly goods and desires, giving in to people who follow earthly ways just because it means we can get a bit of short term enjoyment. What we have to do is to focus our lives on God thereby giving Him the time and space He needs to work with us. If we are going to ignore Him or give more time to other things (or people) than to Him, then we cannot expect Him to be able to continue working in our lives. Let the world be what it is. Let the earthly people be earthly people. Don’t get trapped into following them and leaving God behind otherwise you risk losing a whole lot more from your life!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like living?

Are you living with God or just visit Him occasionally?