Sunday 2 Nov 2008

Sunday Reading: Revelation 1:4-8
Key Verse: Revelation 1:7
7  Behold, He comes with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, and those who pierced Him will see Him, and all the kindred’s of the earth will wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.

John sends out a blessing to the seven churches of Asia (which are mentioned later in vs 11) as directed by God. What follows are prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled, but are nonetheless important for our consumption because of their warnings and truth that are laid down. This last book in our bibles is the one that is both ignored the most and upon which many films have been made. Ironic that many films are made and yet few people consider its truth...

John’s blessing reminds us of the fact that we have God our Father, God the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ the Son of God. It reminds us that Jesus died for our sins. The fact that through His grace and His grace alone is what will prevent us having to pay for our own sin debt is central to this blessing. It is a reminder that there can be no real peace where there is not true grace and that where grace is, truth and peace will follow. We are stained with sin; a stain that cannot be removed other than by the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, the one who shed His blood to cover our sins.

We are reminded that there will be a day when Christ will return with the clouds; a day when every single one will see Him and finally know that He is God. What a great day that will be. But on that day many will not be so happy to see Him because they will be the ones that will suddenly realise that they have been wrong in their choices they have made to ignore God for so long. Even though that may be true and many may be hurt, John says “Even so, Amen” or “even so, let it be so”. Nothing will stop Christ’s return. We may not know the day or the hour, but we know that it will be, one day.

Jesus Christ was, is, and forever will be our God, our King and our Faithful Saviour. Let us therefore gather to Him and show Him how much He means to us because He has already show us how much we mean to Him...

Points to Ponder:
Are you ever caught out by someone arriving without notice?
What will you be doing when Christ returns?