Tuesday 28 Oct 2008

Tuesday Reading: Exodus 33:12-14
Key Verse: Exodus 33:14
14  And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.

Moses was a man whose trust was totally with God. There may have been a few questions in the beginning when he thought that God was asking a bit much of a man who had not yet been a leader of a nation, but when he listened, God spoke. His initial questions were not a case of “if you really are going to do this then hadn’t you better start...” but more a case of “you have promised to start, so show me what I must do”. Moses’ attitude was one of “I believe. Here am I. Send me.”

Moses knew that he had a relationship with God. It was not just a case of him knowing that God was God and that he had to do everything that God told him. It was a case of God had promised him a better life if he was willing to make that life with God and not just for God. He knew that God knew everything about him, but it was more that fact that he knew God knew of his intentions and his thoughts. He knew that God knew that he loved Him, and he certainly knew that God loved him. That relationship meant that he knew that God would show him grace; it was not a question in verse 13 but more of a statement saying that he trusted God to take him to the next step in his life with God.

Moses is under no delusion that he is powerful or that he is a great leader. He knows that it is because of God that they are where they are. He knows it is because of God that the people will live in their own land. He knows that it is because of God that they will be forever God’s people. No matter who is the leader of the land, no matter who is leader of the army or whatever; every people in every land ultimately belong to the Creator. Whether we try to take on our own lives and ultimately fail when we die, or entrust our lives in the Eternal God for His eternal protection – we have the choice. Trust in God and He will be with you and give you rest too.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you find yourself fighting the odds?

How often have you seen God smooth the way?