Monday 6 Jul 2009

Monday Reading: Hebrews 1 1-4
Key Verse: Hebrews 1 3
3  who being the shining splendour of His glory, and the express image of His essence, and upholding all things by the word of His power, through Himself cleansing of our sins, He sat down on the right of the Majesty on high,
As I started going through the book of Hebrews I began to realise two things. First that our willingness to work with God has already been preceded by His willingness to do so much for us already, and secondly that we always seem to get side-tracked by things which we see in religion! Our willingness must surely follow on from Christ’s willingness to do all that He has done already. He led us by example through everything He did whilst on earth in human form but also laid down everything in the first place by which we could build our lives. He is the rock upon which we can safely build knowing that the truth will always stand forever. The more we read our bibles the more we will realise that Christ is part of the God-head and has always been there and will always be there. It is not like He was a prophet or an angel that was created for a specific task; He has loved us from the moment He created us and continues to supply all we need to live for Him. Think about how He provided so much for early man to live by and learn by and then remember that man has passed down that knowledge and grown in knowledge and yet God continues to supply our basic things like allowing plants to grow for our consumption!

Just like the Hebrews allowed their law to become more prevalent than God’s Law, we continue to build up our own laws in favour of God’s Laws. God created a just and whole Law by which we could live by and yet we saw it fit to change things so that they fitted more into what we wanted rather than what He planned. We cannot hold up anything else as we should hold up Christ because He is God. Just because angels are very powerful and able to do so much, does not mean that we should bow down before them. But just like us giving in to powerful people, we give in to anything with more power than us – instead we should be upholding Christ as our King of Kings!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you uphold in your life?

Is Christ your King?