New Years Day 2009

Thursday Reading: Isaiah 26 1-8
Key Verse: Isaiah 26 8
8  Yea, in the way of Your judgements, O Jehovah, we awaited You; for Your name and for Your memory is the desire of our soul.

If you are looking for a new start this year, then now is the time to make sure that your life is firmly fixed in God’s Hands. No matter what happens around us and no matter how far man can sink in his own problems, Christ continues to remain as firm as even. He has promised us from the beginning of time that He will forever look out for us as we place our trust in Him; and that He does! His strength is without equal. He is the creator of our world. He is the creator of the universe!

No matter what we try to rely on in our world, things seem to fall apart. Buildings that were thought to be able to stand all manner of problems fall and crumble in His sight. Banks and institutions that seem as ‘safe as houses’ reveal their weaknesses when the going gets too tough for them... At the centre of this all is man. We like to think we are the best (and I do sincerely take my hat off to all those that are the best in their fields) but we all have our flaws. But God has no flaws... If we perceive flaws in Him, then we do not understand Him and have made our own assumptions – He is without error!

With His breath He can bring down the most powerful and most respected or He can raise up the least; but one thing remains throughout all – His judgement is true and faithful! If you try to cheat Him or His people, you are doing nothing but cheating yourself because there will come a time where you have to answer to what you are doing. Each one of us does make our mistakes and because of that we still have to come forward to Him and admit to our faults and ask for His forgiveness. As long as we come in all sincerity, He is just and able to forgive us. There is nothing more inspiring and uplifting than knowing that we have a Saviour who is able to keep us. He does that because He loves us. Let us not disappoint Him this year. Let us come forward and rest in His arms as our loving Father.

God Bless & Happy New Year