Tuesday 25 Nov 2008

Tuesday Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:9
9  For of God we are fellow-workers, a field of God, and you are a building of God.

Paul’s question to the church people at Corinth was designed to make the people think about the station of people in the church. Whether people were lifting up others above their station or whatever, Paul’s words were to make sure that the people of Corinth knew that people were just people! Yes some people have wonderful gifts and can speak with such authority about Christ, but that is all they can do. Christ is the one who has given that gift to that person in the beginning and they are simply making the best possible use of that gift for God’s glory.

No matter what position we may have in the church or society we are still servants of God. If we try to lift ourselves or anyone else above that position, then we are no longer following what Christ was teaching. Yes, we have a great deal to learn from ministers who are willing to give us the truth from the bible, and we have much to learn from other people who are willing to teach us in other matters, but that does not lift them above the position of servant of God. It must be said that the more we can learn about God from them, the greater servant they must be.

Each one of us has our position as a servant of God and each one of us contributes toward the church in some manner. We may think that we are nothing, but a house has to be built with many bricks, most of which will go unnoticed – but we know that they are there and that they are important for the building! Each one of us has a task that we need to complete in order that the greater task can be achieved; we all have to work together in order that God’s goals can be achieved. We are not the ones that give others inside understanding nor are we the ones that save others nor are we the ones that forgive others in Christ’s name, but we are the ones through which others can hear about God’s Word so that He can give them understanding, so that He can save them and so that He can forgive them.

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like a brick in a wall?

No brick will go without their reward from God?