Monday 24 Nov 2008

Monday Reading: Zechariah 6:9-15
Key Verse: Zechariah 6:13
13  Even He shall build the temple of Jehovah; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule on His throne. And He shall be a priest on His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
It is wonderful to be able to search through both New and Old testaments and find references that agree in all points giving us the encouragement that we need to know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour. God spoke to Zechariah about 500 years before Christ was born to make sure that people knew that the Messiah was coming and that He was the one that would build up the real Temple of God. We are no longer talking about the physical temples that were built such as by Solomon, but an even more impressive Temple – Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

The Jews from Babylon brought offerings to the house of God so that crowns could be made that would be placed on the head of Joshua. This was to be set as a reminder that another would be coming that was even greater than Joshua. This would not only be the Foundation of the temple, but the Founder of it too. Such glory is a terrible burden that cannot be carried by any mortal because no man could bear the weight of glory that Christ was to bring. That weight was the cross, a burden from which all other men have died, but one from which Christ would raise Himself! The bringing together of heaven and earth could no man achieve other than one who would be able to mediate between sinful man and Sinless God. Only our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God can ever step up to that mark!

Such memories, such prophecies, such reminders have stood the test of time and proclaimed that our Lord would walk on earth as a man and yet would also be the ultimate sacrifice that would pay for all of our sins once and for all. Who could imagine such a thing as God had set in motion, being foretold, being upheld and being relied upon. But all of this would be to no avail if we will not come to accept Christ as our Saviour and King; if we are not willing to have Him rule over us as King. We have no grounds to accept Him as our Saviour unless we are willing to obey the voice of Jehovah our God.

Points to Ponder:
How far do you go for others?

What would you say to the One who willingly gave His life for you?