Wednesday 20 Jan 2010

Wednesday Reading: Proverbs 13:19-20
Key Verse: Proverbs 13:20
20  He who walks with the wise shall be wise, but a companion with fools shall be destroyed.

How good it is when something goes right and other things fall into place. How much better it is when you really want something and it lands in your lap! That feeling is what so many people rely on to entice you away from God and to get you to do things contrary to His will. One man’s weakness is another man’s way of making money – and the laws of the land encourage that sort of thing to go on whilst throwing a loose veil over it to make it look like they are acting responsibly! If the truth be told then anything that is making us sin is not doing us any good whatsoever!

The less people know about God the more they will continue to give in to the things around them because some of them do make them feel good or wanted. If they have not yet known the love of God then so many things will seem good to them and turning away from those things and towards God will be totally alien to them. It is little wonder that the governments are willing people away from God so that they too can make money out of the weaknesses of men. What a sad state the world is in.

It takes courage and encouragement to walk away from the trimmings of this world and seek God. If we try to do that alone we will almost certainly fail because of the peer pressure alone. What we need is to be that encouragement for others to follow; we need to take a step towards them and invite them in to hear about God. We need to be persistent so that they will know that we are serious. We need to show them that the love that we have for Christ is real and that the love that He has for us is real too. Only then will they begin to see that the things they are involved with have such a short lifespan and are not really giving them anything but carnal pleasure. We may not be the best at telling people about God with words, but we can definitely show them that we live a life that is full of love and fulfilled too. Nothing in this world will ever measure up to the life that Christ can give us.

Points to Ponder:
What pleasures do you seek daily?
Are you lifting up God?