Tuesday Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:31-34
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33
33 Do not be deceived; evil companionships corrupt good habits.
Don’t ever come to the conclusion that we are safe in this corrupt and evil world. That statement may sound harsh but every day we see events unfold that will uphold that statement, not because people are lacking in their security policies but rather than man continues to show more and more evil ways in which he can corrupt and even kill others. We will always have people like that in our world until The Lord comes to take us to our new heaven and new earth; sin is a big part of our lives and continues to pose a threat all the time. That is why the apostle reminds us that he was in danger every day; but he also knew that through Jesus Christ he would have eternal life when someone did finally come to kill him.
We may well face death all the time in our lives but that does not mean that we have to fear it because we do have eternal life in Christ. There will be many who will say things like “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!” but that is not the sort of life that we should be leading. We need to work to separate ourselves from sin wherever possible so that we will not be caught up in the temptations, ignorance and ways of the world. Being reminded in such a harsh fashion should make us stop and think what we do.
No matter how good other people may make their sins sound we must not give in to them. If we try to stand up to them by ourselves we may well fall flat on our faces. But with Christ’s help, guidance and strength we will be able to withstand all manner of things that this world and Satan can throw at us. We need to practice good works so that they become good habits. Giving in to bad things will do nothing more that persuade us to take up bad habits. We fight the good and evil fight all day long and every day we must face it again. Being by Christ’s side will make sure that we are fighting the correct fight and having Him by our sides will ensure victory!
Points to Ponder:
What battles do you face each day?
Are you standing by Christ’s side during those battles?