Wednesday Reading: Hebrews 13:20-21
Key Verse: Hebrews 13:21
21 make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
This letter to the Hebrew people ends in a prayer just as the Apostle requests that people continue to pray for Him, he in turn prays for them. His prayer is an example that we need to take notice of, one our Lord wants us to know. When we pray that others will be able to continue in their walk with Christ we also need to pray that they walk in a manner that is pleasing and profitable to Christ for His glory. What use is a person if they walk in a manner that is glorifying themselves – for when they do pass on they will be remembered as a person that did that but nothing more came out of it.
When we (and others) walk with God and try to do His work, then others will be able to see that we are doing a profitable work that has history and has a future in that it will be continued on by others that follow. More importantly though is that it will have results that show that we believe in God and hopefully give others the encouragement that they need to walk in His will. No matter where in the world we are we can and always should be walking with Him. That is the hard part because we have so much around us that distracts us from our walk with Him. Prayer is the most powerful supply that we have that is able to encourage us, give us the strength and prompt us forward to do God’s will in our lives.
What better wish could you have for anyone else than for them to be able to continue in God’s rich blessings because of the work that they are able to do for Him. We are forever in His debt for all that He has done for us and yet He continues to want to give us more as long as we are willing to accept it by walking by His side. Pray for others that they may do exactly that as they pray for us to have the same pleasure in Christ.
Points to Ponder:
What do you want for others in their lives?
Are you seeking God’s blessings for them?