Tuesday Reading: Isaiah 40:11-15
Key Verse: Isaiah 40:11
11 He shall feed His flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those with young.
You may, at first glance, think that the first verse does not go along with the rest of this passage this morning, but I beg to differ. The following verses show the mightiness of our God, the wonders of what He has laid down, the beautiful earth He has made for us; whilst the first verse reminds us of the importance that He places on each one of us. What an Awesome God that He should do so much for us!
I could end it there... But the contrast between the verses is not fully understood until they have been read and re-read. So many times we go through life thinking that we are the ones (man that is) who are in charge of things on this earth. We think that we are the ones that can change coastal erosion and change the course of rivers only to be dashed after many years of trying. We think that we are the ones who can control countries and nations, only to find out that small nations can be just as tough as the biggest. We think we are the ones who can but wonderful building, only to be dwarfed by the splendour and size of our mountains.
The more we find out about our natural world the more we should be realising that God has created such a complex and diverse earth that there is no way that any of this happened by accident! Why believe the lies of man when the proof of God is right in front of us. And yet, throughout all of this He has promised to gather us together as His lambs. He has promised to be our Shepherd. He has promised to do this all for us because He loves us so. There are many things in life that we cannot change and we should be taking those things on board and seeing just how awesome our God is. We need to lift up our prayers to Him and allow Him to answer us in the best possible way for us, for Him.
Points to Ponder:
Is there anything man made that dwarfs God’s creation?
Do you know His love?