Thursday 13 Aug 2009

Thursday Reading: John 14:16-18
Key Verse: John 14:16
16  And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, so that He may be with you forever,

Here we have Christ the Son praying to God the Father for the Holy Ghost. What a perfect picture of the Holy Trinity. Christ knew that the Holy Ghost would come but He also knew that He should pray for that fact; if Christ has given us such an example then surely we do need to do the same – go to God in prayer through Christ, even when we know the answer already!

Jesus had been a true comforter to His disciples whilst He was here on earth and now that He was about to leave, He wanted them to know that they were still going to be comforted and looked after. The distinction hereafter was that people would have to know God before they would be able to receive this comforter that was about to arrive. Jesus was willing to comfort anyone who wanted to know more because He knew He would be able to persuade many through His Word. We now have that task to move forward with His Word and give it to others that they may get to know Him too.

So long as God is our Father, He will ensure that we do have a comforter, the Holy Ghost. It is no inconsiderable fact that Christ promised the disciples a comforter for life. It is truly amazing that He would give such a promise to anyone who will believe. It is even more amazing that He would promise that He would live within us and not just next to us. Our parents remain our parents for as long as the live no matter what happens. God, our heavenly Father will remain our Father for as long as He lives – for eternity!

Jesus knew He was about to leave but promised He would return in a little while. He did. He then promised us all that He would return to the world to take us out of it. And that He will!

Points to Ponder:
Do you make a habit of asking politely for things?

Do you continue to ask God?