Monday 27 Jul 2009

Monday Reading: 1 John 1:1-4
Key Verse: 1 John 1:4
4  And we write these things to you so that your joy may be full.
There is nothing that each of us would rather hear than good news! The last thing we want to hear is bad news but we always have time for good news... Here we have true encouragement from the Apostle as he writes about the Truth; he had had fellowship with Christ Himself and wanted the world to know just what that meant not just to him but to everyone. For some years the Jews had been building up their religion but in doing so had gained power which had started to corrupt their beliefs. We may look in from the outside and think “How could they have ignored the truth” but the truth and what you want to hear is often not the same thing.

We all look forward to hearing words that will comfort us or for decisions that come our way. We all look forward to hearing words that will make us happy or somehow fulfil us; what we don’t always accept is the truth! The apostle was describing the truth as he had learned it right from God Himself through Jesus Christ. He was trying to encourage others into listening to that truth and hearing that there is actually most excellent good news in that truth; but it may not have been what the local people wanted to hear...

It is through what Christ has done for us that we do have eternal life. It is through what He did that we have the truth and it is because of Him that we have a direct route to God. Jesus, in all His Divinity, came to earth so that we may experience something quite unique so that we could know that He is Christ and that He is Lord... but that we could have physical proof too! How often do we ask for physical proof rather than believe something that is told us? Christ wants us to have faith, to experience faith, to know that even though we cannot now see Him, we can still depend on our Rock that is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Points to Ponder
How often do you wonder about the truth?

How often do you see His wonderful power in action?