Sunday Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:15-18
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:18
18 we not considering the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are not lasting, but the things which are not seen are everlasting.
Just that first phrase of our reading today should raise such hope and joy within us that we need not care for our earthly surroundings! For all things are for your sake… A statement that must not be taken lightly because it refers to more than just the excellent things that God does allow our way but also to the untoward things that we may not like; but remember that all of those things work to our good. Now we may not think that they are to our good sometimes because we cannot understand His ways, but rest assured that His ways are best!
It’s not all about us, remember. When He says that all things work for our good it is qualified by reminding us that it is through His grace and that it will work towards the glory of God. We should not expect to get all the glory when it is not us who deserve it! But, having said that, He does work things for our good through that. We are reminded not to grow weary of things that may come our way but to rather remember what the ultimate goal is and that is to be with Him. It may be that we find that we end up in a condition that we think is not what we deserve, but it is another step closer to His goal for us in our lives.
Our afflictions cannot ever measure up to the good that we will receive when we are with His in heaven where everything that has happened to us will seem like nothing compared to the glory we too have there. God will continue to give us strength day by day through things that come our way; what we have to d is not focus on the things that we can see happening but rather those things that we do not see but know He is doing through things that do happen… We may not see the wind, but we know it’s there. We cannot see God, but we know He is here!
Points to Ponder:
Are you growing weary in life?
Trust in God’s unseen ways!