Friday 24 Jul 2009

Friday Reading: Acts 2:42-47

Key Verse: Acts 2:46
46  And continuing with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they shared food with gladness and simplicity of heart,

Here is the history of the early church as we know it; neither the worshipping of God in a temple nor the sacrificing but of a gathering of people who believed in what Christ had done for them. A simple but very effective church; people who met and got rid of their earthly heritage to embrace their communion with each other as Christ wants us to. How we have lost those ways because of our own desires and wants...

It’s not the single fact that they met together to worship. It’s not the fact that they met in Christ’s name. Neither was it the fact that they broke bread nor that they said prayers. The real change was that these people’s lives were changed when they realised just how much Christ meant to them. They were willing to give up their old ways and embrace the ways of Christ. They laid aside the riches they had in favour of sharing and helping each other. They laid aside their wants and desires in favour of brotherly love. They met in houses and at the temple; they met with gladness and with open hearts. But most of all they praised God for everything they were allowed and able to do.

When you find someone who is willing to change their ways so that you can be better off you cannot help but want to change your life so that they can be better off too. When these people changed their lives to show God they wanted to commune with Him, He added to their lives in ways of the soul. They no longer lusted after their riches but rather received a richness in their lives that came from within; a richness that God supplied from the inside.

When we change our ways from earthly ways to Godly ways we too will see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our souls that will enrich us in ways we cannot imagine; eternally!

Points to Ponder:
What do you look for in a Christian?
Are you receiving your heavenly riches?