Saturday 25 Jul 2009

Saturday Reading: Matthew 6:21-23
Key Verse: Matthew 6:22
22  The light of the body is the eye. Therefore if your eye is sound, your whole body shall be full of light.

How many times have you been tempted by what you have seen? Can you look back and say that if you had not seen that you may have not been tempted by it? Most of us can say that about so many things in our lives and yet we continue to go off and look at things that we should not be looking at! How weak we find our bodies are when we see things – like giving in to have that ice-cream just because you saw the ice-scream van! Not all things we give in to are going to break us down; but we do have to be aware that there are things in our world that we should not give in to and those are them that are controlled by Satan.

He is in manipulating so many things in our world that we are not aware of to the extent that we probably bump into all manner of things that he wants us to; just so that we can be tempted away from Christ. He is going to trip us up with the things that are closest to us as well as the most inane things that we come across. The simple fact is that we just will not know what he drops our way… or will we…

As long as we keep our eyes firmly fixed on Christ and on His word then we will be able to compare things with those that Christ is allowing our way. What better way of seeing what is right than comparing them with the truth? So long as we continue to allow His light into our lives we will be able to spot the dark spots, to illuminate them and find out exactly what is behind those shadows. But if we continue to allow those shadows into our lives then we will continue to have to accept what is in those shadows. Turn the light on and keep it on!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like living in the dark?
How often do you switch God’s light on?