Wednesday Reading: Mark 9:21-27
Key Verse: Mark 9:24
24 And immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.
There are times when we do think that we are good at what we do and times when we think we are pretty useless but all those times and thoughts are relative to some point. We know that we do not change that much and yet that is how we feel. We know that we do change because our lives are different today than they were a few years ago, maybe even yesterday! But throughout all of these changes we can keep a few constants in our lives, the most constant being God.
We may not look on Him as being constant. King David would write psalms about God being beside him and behind him and then sometimes he would be pleading to God because he thought that God had left him for a while. When we look back in our lives we will find that God has remained constant and we have been the ones that have changed. Our lives change, our feelings change, our circumstances change; but we can always depend on the Love of God remaining constant. We can always depend on Christ being our unmoveable rock upon which we can stand.
There are times in our lives when we do feel down and just want to be left alone. Those are the times when we need to cling to God and make sure that we do not leave ourselves open for just anything. When we do feel down we look to things close by for help and support. If we are not focused on God then what we let into our lives may not be what God wants in our lives. He is our guide but in order to be that guide we do have to listen to His instructions. We have to have faith in Him and in what He wants for each one of us. It is not good that we grow hot and cold with Christ all the time because that is like waiting for a kettle to boil as you switch it on and off constantly. We need to be constantly depending on our Rock. That is what God wants for us...
Points to Ponder:
Are you sometimes a Christian?
What would God be if He was only sometimes God?