Thursday 1 Jul 2010

Thursday Reading: Matthew 13:16-17
Key Verse: Matthew 13:16
16  But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.

These verses are echoed in Luke 10:23-24 and were written down for us to remember just how privileged the disciples and people of that time were to be able to look upon the person of Christ. They were the ones who saw the miracles, heard the doctrine and learned from our Master and King in person. They are the ones who have written down their experiences so that we are more able to understand the ways of our Lord. They are the ones who have written down God’s word for us to follow.

No matter how we look at life we will always see the blessings that Christ has given to each one of us at some time. These disciples were fortunate enough to experience them face to face and to be able to write about those experiences. Christ wants each one of us to be able to look upon these things as the culmination of many promises from the Old Testament so that we can know that we can depend on His promises at all times and forever more. We may not be first hand witnesses to the miracles and we may wish that we were there, but we can look back and know that this is all true and that Christ cares for us more than we know.

We find it hard to explain the mysteries of grace unless we can experience such things first hand. Once we have had some experience we then begin to understand just how awesome our God is. Men have been seeking grace throughout history and these disciples were able to witness and experience it first hand – how many of us would wish to be there for such wisdom! The men from the Old Testament saw Christ in their prophecies and promises; men such as Abraham, Jacob, David and Solomon to name but a few. They looked forward with faith. We see Him in our history books and our bibles and must look back in faith. Those few disciples saw Christ face to face as witnesses for us all.

Points to Ponder:
What part of Christ’s life would you like to have seen face to face?

Are you keeping Him close in your life?