Tuesday 20 Apr 2010

Tuesday Reading: Philippians 2:19-21
Key Verse: Philippians 2:21
21  For all seek their own, not the things which are of Jesus Christ.

How many times have we seen people put in charge only to abuse the position that they have been given? It seems like the world is in the charge of people who are only seeking their own fame and fortune rather than looking out for anyone else. We like to think that we would all look after others if we were ever put in charge of anything but we only have to look back into our early years for figure that we have been guilty of such things as well. I am sure that we have all been there and boasted that what we have is greater, bigger or better than what others have at some stage; this is us lifting up our own and seeking our own rather than others.

You may look at this as a normal human trait that we all look after our own to ensure that we survive – you know, survival of the fittest... If that were true then we most certainly would be in big trouble because we would have killed off the human race the day that it was created! God did not creaet us to lift ourselves up, He created us to grow up to love, obey and glorify Him. There is nothing glorious about ourselves when we come into God’s light. There is nothing praiseworthy of ourselves when we stand next to Christ. Why then should we think that we can lift ourselves up rather than the one who does deserve our praise?

The apostle knew that the Philippians were in a sad state because of their love for themselves rather than Christ. For this he wanted to send Timothy back to them to allow them to be strengthened and encouraged back into God’s will rather than man’s will. When we see our brothers or sisters struggling we should be willing to stand up and be counted for Christ. We should be willing to take on God’s role for each one of us and take His name forward. We cannot build up people because we ourselves are weak; but we can take God’s Word with us and that will do the strengthening, cleaning and convicting that is required. Lift His word up high. Lift His name on high. We are His servants.

Points to Ponder:
What do you lift up today?

Have you read God’s Word today?