Monday Reading: Philippians 1:21-26
Key Verse: Philippians 1:25
25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all, for your advancement and joy of faith,
It is often said that there are two things which are certain and those being death and taxes; I put it to you that at least two people have departed this earth without having to face death and we have seen taxmen giving back money so neither are absolutes. The only absolute that we have is that God loves us because that is the eternal truth. What we face here on earth is the fact that we do face death every day but how we face it depends on how we accept the absolute truth.
Matthew Henry describes the apostle’s choice here as being a choice between two good things and not two bad things. The way that earthly people look at it is that they face death which is bad or life which is could be good but is mostly bad. As a practicing Christian we face death which is most excellent because we finally get to be with our Lord and King! Our second choice is that we face life which is actually good because we have more time to work for Christ! As Christians we have nothing to be down about. Yes we will all face hardships and even have to face death, but as Christians we know what lies beyond death and it is not bad!
We should never be scared of death because Christ has already told us that that is the step towards eternal life with Him. That being said, we should not ignore it because as soon as we do die we can no longer work for Christ. It is a wonderful thing to be able to be accepted by Christ as a worker because then we know that we truly accepted as His children. Whilst there is still work to be done on this earth we should stand proud and be counted as His children and as His workers. We should look forward to the daily challenges that we will face with Him by our sides. Being alive is a very special gift from God and we should be using it for the best possible cause; spreading the gospel!
Points to Ponder:
What is special about your life?
Do you know how much God supports you?