Thursday Reading: Ephesians 3:7
Key Verse: Ephesians 3:7
7 Of this gospel I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effectual working of His power.
One things we often forget is just where we get the right to go out and teach others about the gospel. We get that right from believing in Christ and following His Gospel. In other words we are giving out what we learn from God through the Holy Spirit; that fact alone gives us the right to go out and tell others about Christ. He gave us that right when we put our faith and trust in Him and it is by that that His Word will be spread round the world. I am not one for reading too many book, in fact I could probably count the books that I have read if I sat down and thought about it; but God’s Word is not just a book but instructions from God, given to each one of us.
It is because He loves us so much that He has given us our bibles so that we can learn more about Him. What would it be like if we had to remember everything so that we could sit and tell everything to the next person? Well, much of past knowledge was actually done in that manner but through us learning and applying the knowledge that God gives us we have come up with written languages that allow us to pass on God’s Word without having to be in front of someone. We are given this gift of telling others of Christ because many are like me and will not pick up a book that looks too complicated to start with. He gives us the gift of understanding as we read through His Word so that we can pass on that interest to others so that they too will be encouraged to read His Word.
There is nothing that our God cannot do and making sure that His Word is passed on from generation to generation is just one of those things that He makes sure is done. Others will be encouraged to find out more by seeing the example that we lay down. If we act like hooligans then they are not likely to want to find out about the God that we believe in. But if we allow them to see God’s love through us then we are setting an example by which others will be encouraged to find out about our Awesome God!
Points to Ponder:
How many books do you read?
How much of your reading is God’s Word?