Thursday 11 Nov 2010

Thursday Reading: Proverbs 27:1-2
Key Verse: Proverbs 27:2
2  Let another man praise you, and not your mouth; a stranger, and not your lips.

Sometimes spending just one day on a verse from God’s Word is just not enough... Yesterday I touched on not knowing what tomorrow has in store for us and depending on God always. Today I want to look at the other end. Today is the day when World War I ended and it will be remembered in many places because of the truth that we now know behind the Great War. We will remember all the people who willingly gave their lives just so that our countries can have peace, if not for long at least for a season.

When Christ went to the cross for us it was the most unselfish act that could ever have been done. He gave His own life so that we would be able to obtain eternal life through Him. He gave His life in the hopes that we would live our mortal lives in a manner that would glorify Him so that more people would be able to accept His amazing free gift. Christ did this all because of His love for us – not because we have come to Him nor because we have done things right – He came so that we could escape from the sinful lives that we lead.

When a person gives their life so that another may live, that person receiving that free gift of life should never forget it. It is not something to be taken lightly. It is not something that can be changed or undone. No doubt we will hear of the many wonderful and brave things that people have done so that we can have a reasonably free life, but none of that will ever compare to what Christ had to endure for our sins on and before that cross. His single act of love needs to be embedded in our lives so that we will know true love. If we can live our lives hoping to be able to show that we can love others because He has loved us first, then just maybe we will be doing right by God.

Points to Ponder:
Do you remember the battle?

Are you reminding others of all that Christ has done for you?