July 17: Psalm 91:14-16
Key Verse: Psalm 91:15
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him.
We often think we ought to know someone very well before we can love them. We are lucky God does already know each one of us intimately and so can love us for what He knows we are. He does not count us by how much we love Him, but by the fact we know His name – we know that He is God. If we had to get to know Him and His ways before we could be accepted by Him, we would be on a never ending journey.
But by the very fact we have accepted Him as our God, He is willing to listen to all of our prayers. Not only is He willing to listen to them, but to answer them as well. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses, He knows our wants and needs; but we should be willing to acknowledge Him as our God by asking for those needs daily. Through that act of daily prayer, we acknowledge Him as God and strengthen our faith.
When we are willing to talk to Him daily, He is more than willing to answer our prayers daily. Whilst we may not understand what is best in our lives and ask for things all the time; He understands our ways and requirements better than we do. He knows when the best time to answer prayers is. He knows when the right time comes along so we may see that He truly is an awesome God.
The more we are willing to walk close to Him, the more He is willing to look after us. The more we are willing to do His work, the more willing He is to allow us to live longer. The closer we walk with Him, the more secure we are. I am so glad my length of life does not depend on what I can physically do, or what I physically do right! But I know as long as He has work for me to continue doing, He will continue to grant me another day. Living for Christ and living in Him can never be beaten. Living for oneself can never be achieved! For as long as we continue to try to achieve what we think we need, our goals will continue to move – we will always want more than we have. But if we live for Christ, He will show us His pleasure – we will know His Salvation.
Points to Ponder:
What are your goals in life?
Which of those goals are Christ centred?
Sunday 17 Jul 2016
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