July 18: Proverbs 14:22-24
Key Verse: Proverbs 14:22
Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good.
One of the biggest lies we live is that sin will not catch up with us! No matter what we do to work at hiding sin, it will end up right back on our doorstep. For those who are not Christians, they may well think they have been able to get away with it for all their life, but once they face judgement, they will find out the hard way what it is all about!
We all do still carry sin around with us, and we probably try to hide it at some stage as well – but with God watching us all the time, we are certainly not able to do that! If we think by being more artful with our sin than others we will be able to get away with it, we are mistaken. If we think by bending the rules a little less than others, we are not really sinning, we are mistaken!
We may not gain earthly rewards from keeping God's Word and by avoiding sin, but we will gain heavenly rewards by doing His will. For as long as we try to avoid sin, we will be more able to follow His Word and His will. No matter how much we talk about things, unless we are willing to actually get up and do them, we are wasting our breath. What use is talking about a good life unless you are willing to try and achieve that life?
We have seen over the past weeks how wisdom comes through hearing God's Word and how reading God's Word helps us to learn it. But what worth is this wisdom unless we are willing to use our new learned wisdom in our lives. If we are willing to listen and learn from God, then we will be able to see what He has in store for us. If we are willing to show others we are gaining from listening to Him, then He will be willing to use us in showing His love to others through us.
We have a promise we will be going to heaven, and without us being able to show His love, others may never be able to see His love and never be able to know just what everlasting peace will be like. It does not take too much wisdom to listen to the wise, but it takes courage to do what is wise in front of adversity.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you get caught out breaking the rules?
How often do you take your sins to God?
Monday 18 Jul 2016
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