Saturday 30 Jul 2016

July 30: Acts 2:40-45

Key Verse: Acts 2:43
Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.

I often wonder what it was like to be with the disciples after Christ had ascended back to Heaven and they were willed with the Holy Spirit. They must have had such a positive force about them and been so determined with all they were doing. But just being very positive and having bucket loads of faith is not really enough. What has to be done is to have this faith shared and demonstrated to others. It is not all about how good we are or how faithful we are, but about sharing God’s word with people who do not yet know Him.

I love talking to people about God and getting them to want to know more. The stories we are able to tell others are fascinating and wonderful and should leave people eager to find out more. We do not have to embellish on things but rather to tell people how it was. Yes, we may have to use our own parables because modern society may not understand the parables from the time of Christ. How many people understand just what it is to till the land?

Jesus used relevant stories and made sure the people would get the best understanding on what God is trying to do in our lives. We need to be doing similar things in our lives with the people around us. Having enough faith is a big thing, but don’t forget Jesus saying we need no more faith than faith the size of a mustard seed!

Allow people to see that you love Christ. Allow them to see you care deeply about the truth. Allow them to know why. Encourage them to find out more for themselves. Encourage them through your actions and your own feelings. Smile. Be joyful in Christ. Show them you are alive in Christ and they will want to know more!

Points to Ponder:
Do you tell people about Christ?

Are you excited about what you do?