July 31: Acts 5:12-16
Key Verse: Acts 5:13
Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly.
As the Apostles continued to grow in faith they found they could do more and show more people just how wonderful God is. They continued to preach, teach, heal and encourage the people around them. And yet, no matter how hard we try, there are still going to be people who will not believe what they see in front of their eyes; there will still be people who talk against you, shout against you and generally make you feel like you are in the wrong.
But also notice how they will stay clear of you when you are gathered together in numbers. The more we gather together as church the less people are willing to come and have a go. The more cohesive we are, the less likely they will want to come close to us because they may be shown up for the lies they are actually trying to spread.
So many people live on lies and are only popular because of the lies they have managed to hide from others. The truth will always find people out and this is why Christ wants all of us to live in the truth. He never tried to hide the truth. Yes, there were times when He had to run and hide from the enemy and there will be times when we have to do the same. But revealing the truth and living with the truth are very important.
I love the way the Apostles found they were being inundated with people coming along for healing. There does not seem to be any shortage of people who are willing to be made better as long as they do not have to do anything with it. But each time someone was healed, God was given the glory. Each time that happens we can be sure He is going to be pleased. God wants us to grow the kingdom of truth and wants us to have faith in Him and in His abilities so He can get the glory!
Points to Ponder:
Are you scared to tell people about God?
Do you gather together with other Christians?
Sunday 31 Jul 2016
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