August 1: Proverbs 14:28
Key Verse: Proverbs 14:28
In a multitude of people is a king’s honour, But in the lack of people is the downfall of a prince.
We continue to hear of people who don't want to be ruled by tyrants on the news. Some are not even allowed to talk openly for fear of their lives. We don't hear too many stories about places which are sublime to live in – but that is probably because the news people think it is not news worthy! They would surmise we should not want to hear of the good side of life.
Right from the beginning of time when kings and governments were first brought into power, people have looked up to them for support when they need it. Nowadays it would seem the governments are so full of corrupt politicians they tell lies to get into power and then change their minds when they are there. Little wonder people get sick and tired of them before too long. How many countries do you know where the government or king has ruled successfully for more than 20 years?
If a king were to rule properly and justly, then the people would not have a problem supporting them through everything, even if they were to make mistakes. But as soon as people spot corruption in authority, they turn their backs on the authority. People would even move from surrounding countries if they though the government was better than theirs – likewise they leave their “unruly kingdom”. If the leaders would only show they cared for their people, they would be able to keep them loyal.
But it's not just the kings and governments, but the rules they set out and the people who uphold those rules. If the police force were corrupt, then people would not know who to trust for law and order. People would certainly want to move away from such a society. In God we have a King who is true, just and caring. In Christ we have a Prince who keeps the peace and judges fairly. And in the Holy Spirit we have a perpetual guide willing to show us the truth. Why can't people see the stability which lies ahead in God?
Points to Ponder:
Which country would you like to live in in the world?
What part of eternal life do you most look forward to?
Monday 1 Aug 2016
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