August 4: Isaiah 64:1-5
Key Verse: Isaiah 64:4
For since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, Nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him.
No matter how much we get to know and love other people, it does not really change ours or their earthly intelligence. We have a certain ability which comes through earthly intelligence – some have used it to produce amazing things in their lives such as nylon or even atomic and nuclear energy. But what good is it all when we have but a short time to live on this planet. We can see the amazing jumps in technology which have been made in the last century – computers which can work faster than anyone imagined, and are smaller than any science fiction writer had imagined... But what becomes of this all when we die?
Man has been able to pass on knowledge from generation to generation by writing books, teaching and learning. That knowledge is spread through all walks of life and through all subjects. With the Internet, phones, radio and television, that knowledge can spread faster than we can talk, further than we had ever imagined and to many more people than we had imagined. But again, where does it all go? What use is it going to be if we are not learning the right things? What use is it going to be if we do not live forever?
No matter how much we can think of; we are restricted by what we know now. We have not seen, heard or thought of any of the things which God has prepared for us because of His love for us. We cannot even begin to imagine what He has in store for us. We may start to think about the amazing world He has given for us now – a world He has given to a sinful mankind – imagine what He would give to us when we are made perfect so we can live with Him!
We cannot see or imagine any of this without The Holy Spirit showing it to us. We would never have any explanations as we do in The Bible without God showing it to the Apostles. It is only through Him we can begin to see what wisdom is all about. It's not what we can do, but what He can do for and through us!
Points to Ponder:
How intelligent do you think you are compared to others?
Compare your intelligence as being the earth in the whole universe of God!
Thursday 4 Aug 2016
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