August 5: 1 John 2:7-11
Key Verse: 1 John 2:10
He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.
Sometimes we may think love is something which has grown up with mankind and even how we probably invented it some time in the distant past. We may even think we are the ones who understand it more than some others. We may think we have never found it. We may think we have found and lost it. Whichever predicament we are in, we are not alone!
Love is something that has been around all the time and even before time began because true love was and is and will forever be with God. Our love is very short and has so many pitfalls when compared with Him. Jesus reminded the Apostles how love should be an integral part of their lives and how without it, they themselves would be lost. John reminds us of this fact just as Jesus had done before.
We need to have love in our life because without it we are lost. We need to experience love so we can know how Jesus' love for us is far and above anything we can experience from others around us. We need to see that even though we may think love around us is worth a whole lot more, we will still meet the pitfalls and errors within this earthly love – things we will never have to face with Jesus' love for us!
True love cannot stop with just those people we wish to love, but must go forward for all people. We cannot discriminate between people otherwise they will do the same with us. If we are to show someone we love them, then they need to know that love will never end. If we say we love Christ, but don't love all those Christians around us, then we are placing stumbling stones in front of them and us. We may find our love has its ups and downs and we get let down by people from time to time – but without those times we will not know how much more Christ love us. It is better to have experienced love and lost so we know Christ's love for us is true and does not bend in the wind like ours does!
Points to Ponder:
How many people would you say you do really love?
Christ's love was shown on the cross for the whole of mankind!
Friday 5 Aug 2016
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