August 13: Romans 2:1-4
Key Verse: Romans 2:3
And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?
Just as in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, the letter to the Romans in the New Testament has many reminders to the Jews that they are all sinners. This does not exclude everyone else (because the previous chapter does that for us) but should remind us even though the Jewish nation is God's chosen people, they are still treated just as everyone else when it comes to sin. It's plain and simple – sin separates us from God, no matter who we are!
Our greatest problem is when we will turn around and judge people without thinking about it. We will listen to the news and formulate our own responses to what others should be doing. We will find things on the Internet and rile people for doing wrong according to what someone else is saying. The Jews were a particularly proud people who looked down upon others who were not Jews – this is reflected here in God's Word... the one and only place where we can trust what we read! But this should not be taken lightly by the rest of us, because their example then is followed by almost everyone still today!
How many times have you told others about doing things right, only to go out and do the wrong thing yourself? Maybe we think we are brave enough, or clever enough, or just stupid enough to get away with things we tell others not to do. Or just maybe it is because we are as guilty as them for doing thing wrong! If we are, then are we not “more guilty” for having known what we are doing is wrong, for telling others about it and then for going ahead and doing it!
We should not be comparing what we do wrong with what others do wrong... We should not be picking at what we think other are doing wrong... What we should be doing is remembering that Christ is the one who has gone to the cross for our sins – We should be looking at it from a very personal view: It is what we alone have done that He alone suffered on the cross for!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you pick up on what other do wrong?
How often do you admit that you do wrong to God?
Saturday 13 Aug 2016
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