August 14: Proverbs 14:31
Key Verse: Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, But he who honours Him has mercy on the needy.
It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between a real beggar and a professional beggar on the streets of big cities nowadays – people have cottoned on to the idea poor people do get pitied and they have totally exploited people's feelings. I would not like to be in the same room when a professional beggar has to face Christ for judgement!
Christ wanted to make sure people understood how important it is to love one's neighbours as we do ourselves. But have you ever given consideration as to why? It should be as simple as “because God has said so” but so many people want justification as to why we need to do things now. If anyone is questioning this, ask them where they came from. Right through the Old and New Testaments we are reminded about the fact there is only one God and that we have all been created equal under Him. But have you stopped to think what this actually means?
Because He has created us all equal, He looks upon us all with the same love... What would you do if someone was annoying or bullying your best friend? Would you join in or would you try and defend your friend? Would you be upset by the bullying or would you turn around and say it was their fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Because we have been created equal, God wants to make sure we treat each other as equals. That includes people who we do not know, people who are poor and begging for food, people who have terrible ailments, people who are rich and famous and even our best friends. It means when we treat our best friends properly and with love, we are treating a person whom God loves properly. It means when we look upon a rich person with contempt, we look upon God's child with contempt. It means when we ignore a needy beggar, we turn our back on a person whom God loves.
Points to Ponder:
How well do people treat you?
How well do you treat God's friends?
Sunday 14 Aug 2016
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