August 15: Proverbs 14:32
Key Verse: Proverbs 14:32
The wicked is banished in his wickedness, But the righteous has a refuge in his death.
Have you ever had the good chance to be chauffeur driven in a limousine anywhere? You have no real control over where you are going or what is happening, you are just there for the ride. If everything goes to plan, then you have a great, comfortable ride and get to your destination in style. But if things go wrong, you have absolutely no control over what happens. If you want to be sure of getting where you think you should be going, then hiring a dependable chauffeur and limousine with a track record is an absolute must!
If we continue our lives in sin, then we are in the position of hiring a chauffeur who does not care about you, who is going to get you to do things you do not want to, is going to take you places where you do not want to be – basically we have hired someone who is going to do whatever they like and just keep you strung along for the ride, whether you like it or not! When we are living in sin, our lives very quickly show exactly what is going on and many times we do not have control over what others will see – because we are simply being dragged around without our consent! We do not have any hope of getting to our destination!
If we make sure our lives are controlled by someone who loves us and someone who wants us to be in the right place at the right time all the time, then our ride with our limousine is going to be an absolute pleasure. We will be driven to the right places at the right times and we can depend on our chauffeur to do so time and time again. Allowing God to be our chauffeur will lead us to the promises that He has given to us. Making sure we have Christ in control allows us to have absolute hope that we will get to our destination, no matter what – we will be with Him in heaven!
Being with Christ does not mean we are going to miss the traffic jams, or avoid toll charges on the roads – but it does mean we will be able to survive them knowing we will reach our final destination!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you “let go” in your life?
How many of those times have you ended up in trouble without God?
Monday 15 Aug 2016
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