August 21: Isaiah 43:14-15
Key Verse: Isaiah 43:15
I am the Lord, your Holy One, The Creator of Israel, your King.
We may look at some of the prophets as the men and women of God who were bringing bad news every time the Jews stepped out of place; but we must always remember we worship and serve a JUST God. Because of the things they got up to and the way they treated God, the Jews were scattered and many taken to Babylon as slaves. But God already had a plan in place to revive them and bring them home.
We may not like the way we are treated by others at times when they are trying their best to do what is right for us; but we will be able to look back and see why things were done the way they happened. The prophet is writing these words to show people God is always one step ahead and continues to watch over every person who has ever said they love Him.
I love going to Christian festivals and have just come back from Soul Survivor 2016 in the South West of England. I love it because we get to see that we are not alone as many young people get together to celebrate being Christians and to invite their friends along to show how much they love God. I may work hard and get very little sleep over the week but when I begin to hear the testimonies of how someone was invited along and got the chance of starting their lifelong journey with God.
Times like this remind me of the promises God has given us right from the start; the promises through prophets and kings and even directly from Jesus Christ himself. God is real and He is the one who is in control over all. He continues to watch over His children. Continues to make it possible for more people to get to know Him. Continues to make so much more possible. Nothing is impossible with God. Trust Him and follow Him!
Points to Ponder:
Do you have faith that lasts?
Are you willing to give it all to God?
Sunday 21 Aug 2016
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