August 22: Proverbs 15:3-4
Key Verse: Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good.
If you were put in charge of a project, would you get everyone started, go off and have a holiday and then come back when it was finished? Or would you want to be close by and watch over everything to make sure it was all done properly? God is described as being the Alpha and Omega for good reason... He was, is and always will be ever present for us all. He is watching over us day by day, minute by minute, making sure He sees everything we do and say and think! He is making sure nothing gets overlooked. Not the good times or the bad times...
He does not turn His head away when we turn our backs on Him. He does not shy away when we shy away from Him. He does not lash out at us when we lash out at Him... His eyes are ever over us and trying to guide us in our every deed to make sure we can get to spend eternity with Him. He knows our true character because He has wonderfully and fearfully made us: Wonderfully because we are amazing; fearfully because we know deep down inside of us that He is our God.
His watch over us continues when we let loose with our tongues; When we start swearing and telling lies, He continues to listen. It does not mean He enjoys the language that we come out with, nor the attitude that we deliver it with – but He cares enough to try and discourage us from continuing to do things He does not like. Just like our parents will try to discourage us from doing bad things, He does too. Because He can see and know us wherever we are, He has a better insight into what we actually get up to and why.
Each time we swear and cuss, we are doing so in His face... not just near Him as He listens, but in His face! God takes a very personal interest in everything we do and because of that keeps a very close watch on everything. Doing anything wrong is doing it wrong in His face!
Points to Ponder:
Do you change your life in front of your parents to keep them happy?
How do you think of God in everyday life?
Monday 22 Aug 2016
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