August 25: 2 Corinthians 7:2-7
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 7:5
For indeed, when we came to Macedonia, our bodies had no rest, but we were troubled on every side. Outside were conflicts, inside were fears.
How many times have you gone somewhere and you have been worried about what you will say or do when you get there? I know I do have fears about going to any new places or going to face new things – it just me and I know I should not be worrying about the new things I look forward to because God is with me every step of the way; but still I fear!
Is fear as healthy as some say it is? Well, yes and no! We should not be blaze about going to do something new and different because if we go in with the wrong attitude we may well find we fall flat on our faces. We should be concerned and should think about as many of the things we will face as is reasonable; we should be prepared for many eventualities as we can. But fearing everything just because it is new is not that healthy – anxiety is something we probably all face at some time or another.
Rest is also something all of us need. God ordained it in the beginning by teaching us we need to rest one day out of seven; but that is not always practical for us in our modern lives so taking regular rest at other times is important and needs to be put in our schedules as a valid, required and regular event. And it is not just our bodies which require rest. If we are regularly fighting spiritual battles, then we need spiritual rest and recuperation times too.
Listening out for good news is always one way in which we can find spiritual rest just when we need it. God is not going to hold back the good times and the good events just because we are busy. He would rather show us He is there through displaying good tidings through others than seeing us work ourselves to the bone. Listen to what God does around you and not just to you!
Points to Ponder:
Do you always look for special rewards for your work?
Are you stopping to listen to what God does around you?
Thursday 25 Aug 2016
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