August 26: Romans 1:16-17
Key Verse: Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
Would you be able to sit down with a scientist and discuss the difference between evolution and creation with some degree of accuracy and confidence? Would you be willing to admit to a scientist that you will stick by what you believe? Will you be willing to point out the errors in a scientist’s theory and show them the Gospel?
It is hard to be able to discuss any subject without first doing some study on the subject. Most subjects in school nowadays are covered in some way by 'cheat notes' or 'quick study guides' that have been specially prepared so you will be able to know enough to get you through the subject come exam time. But in order to find out the full truth about the subject, you have to be willing to go out and find out the details for yourself. You should be willing to read up fully. You should be willing to check up on details to make sure the text book you are using is actually telling the truth.
For me, the explanation and understanding of God's Word come through reading it... If I am willing to sit down and start reading, God is willing to explain what I am reading through His Holy Spirit. He gives me the understanding I need. So many people who are not Christians take a look at the Bible and immediately shy away from it because they think the writing is old fashioned or they just cannot understand it. Well, if you stick at it a while, God will give you the understanding and will allow you to see the truth for yourself.
The Bible does not do a 'mind job' on you like many of the modern text books today. Many text books start off with an assumption and build up on that assumption. Some text books start with a theory and try to show that theory is possible. Not too many years ago scientists believed that if anyone went too fast they would not be able to breath... God's Word starts with the truth and is unique in being able to prove itself...
Points to Ponder:
How often do you read books?
How often do you read God's Word?
Friday 26 Aug 2016
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