August 28: 1 Corinthians 15:33-34
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Isn't it amazing how many bad habits and things we pick up in life... No matter how hard we try to do things the right way, we always seem to be able to mess things up at some stage or another! No matter how much we try to do what is right, we think about the wrong things and eventually we have a go at one of them! We can only thank God He is able to save us from this life that we lead! We can thank Him also He is willing to forgive us of those sins; each and every one of them!
Before we get to know about God, we pretty much run around and do anything we like (so long as our parents are not watching!). We get up to all sorts of mischief that many of us may not like to admit to – but God has been watching over us, watching each step we take and cringing at the steps we falter on... Waiting for that moment when we are going to realise He is our God and He alone deserves our worship. We try to do things right when people are watching – just so we don't get into too much trouble. But as soon as we think we are alone, we go all out to look “bad” with our friends.
I look back on some of those days and I think – why? What was in it for me at the time... I can think of many a time when I knew I was doing wrong, when I knew that there was nothing in it for me, but because of those around me I went ahead and did it anyway – lead on by others who in turn were being lead on by Satan. And then there are the time when I simply gave in to Satan's temptations and did it anyway!
All because of our lust of the flesh – we think in some way we need to do things wrong to be noticed. And we will never grow out of that until we give in to Christ and allow Him back into our lives! For as long as we keep Him out of our lives, He takes a back seat and waits patiently for us to acknowledge Him. What love is that how He can wait for so long and put up with so much... just for me!
Points to Ponder:
What bad things do you get up to with friends?
How much thought do you give to God during those times?
Sunday 28 Aug 2016
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