August 27: Luke 7:18-23
Key Verse: Luke 7:22
Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them.
No matter which way we look at it, the Bible continues to stand up as the single truth in this world. The Bible continues to be the most selling book of all times. God continues to make sure we are all exposed to His Word in some way or another. He continues to live up to His promise that everyone will be given the opportunity to make their own minds up about the truth.
But it is not only through reading the Bible that people get to know Christ. We have a duty to live our lives according to His laws. He has already paid the price for our sins, and as the One True God, we need to realise we do have to worship Him. We cannot continue to make no choice in our lives, because by making no choice, we are in fact making the choice to ignore Him. Living our lives according to His laws will show others we are willing to live up to the truth and we are willing to show it to others too!
It is not just living the life that will encourage others either. When they start to see how we live, we must tell them about why we do. Just watching something can lead to deception. Take magicians for example – they make a living out of deceiving people with various tricks. If we simply go through the motions, then how do people know we are not just doing a magic trick on them? We have to tell people about how and why we do what we do. If we are open with them about everything that we do, then we are going to be able to show them the truth! Jesus knew John was doing the right thing but wanted someone to fully explain just how wonderful God is to him.
Showing people and telling them are two different things! Most of us are too shy about going up to someone and telling them about Gods word alone... but if we had someone with us, helping us.... Well, we do. The Holy Spirit goes with us every day. He explains things to us when we ask. He guides us when we need guidance. He certainly will help us to tell others about Christ, if only we depend on Him!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you correct your friends when they are wrong?
How often do you correct them about spiritual matters?
Saturday 27 Aug 2016
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