September 2: Romans 5:1-5
Key Verse: Romans 5:1
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Isn't it strange how when you have something essential, you often cannot imagine ever not having that item. Or when we get used to having something, we say we cannot live without it any more. Can you imagine a life without simple medicines which we now use? Can you imagine a life without cars, or planes, or mobile phones?
When we are saved, we don't ever have to look back into our lives and imagine what it would be like not to have eternal peace... I'm not talking about the stuff we have to put up with whilst we continue to live here on earth. For whilst we are here, we do have to put up with a lot! But what we should not be doing is hiding in places where we think we will not be touched by the world around us.
We can learn so much from the hassles we have to put up with. With that learning we can apply knowledge and wisdom learned to good use. With that learning we also learn a whole lot of patience – without patience we would be climbing the walls and trees! Without that patience we would not be willing to wait for Christ's return! But with this patience we have hope, a hope which builds up our faith, the faith which shows others the truth about God.
What would you do for a friend who gave you almost everything in your life? I would like to pay them back for everything they have done for me. We are not here to live our lives for ourselves, but to live them for Christ. He is the One who has given us everything and we owe Him everything. Living our lives according to His wishes is just part of what we can do to pay Him back for all He has done and continues to do for us. It is this knowledge that He is here for us and this knowledge about how He listens to and answers all our prayers which gives us the positive hope that expands our faith and encourages others to find out what makes us happy. If there is anything essential in our lives, it is Christ!
Points to Ponder:
What do you hold on to in your life?
Would you be willing to give it to Christ?
Friday 2 Sep 2016
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