September 3: 1 Peter 4:7-10
Key Verse: 1 Peter 4:8
And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”
We have a wonderful Saviour who has done so much for us and who continues to do so much for us. It is little wonder then that Peter wrote these words to remind others of what we have in store. It's not just the fact we have Christ as Saviour, it's not just the fact we Acknowledge Christ as our Lord, but that we need to remember what has happened. Each Sunday we go to church remembering how we serve a risen Saviour, one who has paid for our sins, has died for them and has risen from the grave to defeat the evil one.
Just like a good soldier has to be vigilant about everything around him to survive, we have to be vigilant about everything around us to make sure we don't get tempted into doing things for Satan. We have got to make sure we stay on top of things and don't get bogged down in our personal feelings and lusts of the mind. Just like we have lusts of the body where we have an over-zealous affection for someone or something, we have lust of the mind where we have an over-zealous imagination which we are able to do more than we can or think we are always right!
Christ showed amazing grace when He allowed himself to be the target of all of our sin. He showed amazing restraint by allowing the rulers at the time to blame Him for things which He knew He had not done. He did that to make sure we were and are going to be safe forever. He did it because of His love for us – each one of us! He did this all before we even knew He existed – because He wants us all to seek everlasting safety through Him alone.
Just as an obedient child will not question their parents, we have to come before Him as obedient children to show Him how we love Him for everything He has done for us. We will find it hard until we realise just what He has already accomplished for us by going to the cross! Then, and only then, we can put behind us our lustful thinking!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you rebel because you think you know best?
God created the universe! Don't you think we should bow to His knowledge?
Saturday 3 Sep 2016
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