September 9: Matthew 7:24-27
Key Verse: Matthew 7:26
“But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:
Hearing good advice that someone is giving you and actually following that good advice are two different things! We do hear good advice from people almost every day, but following it may be an issue with us if it does not fit in with our own philosophy or wants at the time! Too many times we get caught up in our own ways and reject good advice from all sorts of people...
Proverbs 9:9 reminds us (“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.”) we are never too wise to receive instruction, even from those who seem like fools most of the time! If we can learn from a situation rather than putting down the situation or rejecting it, then we have become a better person. Being able to admit to mistakes and learn from them does take a certain amount of grace!
It is just so sad to see so many people who refuse to help themselves by learning what God would like them to do with their lives. Too many people reject God before He even has a chance to open His mouth. Too many people reject His will in their lives even when they learn about Him. Too many people will end up finding out the truth when it is too late! That is one of the reasons why we are here – to show people we can make a difference and we can do so because God is with us! When people wake up to the fact we have outside help all the time, then they will start to seek that help we all have.
Being a good example and showing how we are still learning is going to make a bigger difference in other people’s lives than trying to stuff the truth down their throats – for then we risk them rejecting God's will because of our attitude; God forbid we prevent people from drawing closer to God just because of our own attitude! We need to wise up and make sure we are fully trusting in God rather than our own vanity!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are better than your friends?
How many times a day do you reject God's wisdom?
Friday 9 Sep 2016
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