September 8: Ezekiel 15:1-5
Key Verse: Ezekiel 15:5
Indeed, when it was whole, no object could be made from it. How much less will it be useful for any work when the fire has devoured it, and it is burned?
To show just how bad things have got, God shows Ezekiel how much use there is in a nation of people who do not follow God! He does this by comparing them to a vine, or grape vine. If you try and take the wood from a grape vine, you will see that it is pretty useless to make anything with. The wood is not strong and it is more often than not twisted and full of knots. It does bend, but brakes easily. In short, it is not good for anything. When you burn it, it does not burn well either... And when you have burned it, it is then good for absolutely nothing!
But as long as a grape vine is flourishing and bearing fruit, we can use it. The grapes can be used for fruit, grape juice and even wine. The leaves themselves can be used for cooking and the whole plant as a form of shade for the hot and weary. But none of this can be done if the plant is not healthy.
As children of God we need to make sure we are seen to be flourishing, for as soon as we are not, people will discard us and assume we are good to be cut down and nothing else. But as long as we show signs of life when all around are failing, then we will be an inspiration to those others. Our fruit will become nourishment for others. Our juice will quench the thirst of others. Our shade will give respite to those in desperate need.
God does not ask us to sustain the world. God does not ask us to bear all manner of fruit and meat to give sustenance to the whole world. God does not ask us to provide heat and shade for everyone. God simply asks us to be an encouragement to others so they can see just how much we get from God. Without God, we cannot grow. Without God, we are pretty useless. But with God, we grow and thrive. With God we can be that encouragement to those around who need a bit of support!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like helping others?
Would you go out in God's name and help someone today?
Thursday 8 Sep 2016
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