September 12: Proverbs 15:7-9
Key Verse: Proverbs 15:8
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight.
Have you ever been close to someone who thought they knew everything but honestly was more of a liability than anything? If you have not yet, then you are the lucky one! There are times when you will face someone who insists on spreading what they think is knowledge, but in fact is worthless and incorrect information. Being around that sort of person can be quite unsettling; we may even start to question our own stance on the subject simply because they seem to be so knowledgeable.
And then there are some people who seem intent on breaking every rule available. They make out they are having a load of fun by breaking the rules, but in order to try and keep up their popularity, they have to invent more and more deceitful ways in order to keep up (or down) their appearance. Being around that sort of person may seem fun to start with, but ends up being very unsettling and awkward!
If either of the types of people above try to convince you about how good their life is, you may not immediately be able to see through their lives. The sad thing is they probably have convinced themselves they are in the right! Thankfully Christ looks within people and not at our physical appearance. He is able to see through the stories and disguises and knows what is in each one of our hearts.
When we approach Him with our prayers, He is not confused by all the things we say or think; he is not fooled by any lie we tell. He is the author of all knowledge and knows what is on our hearts. The only way we can approach Him is with absolute honesty! No matter what we have done in the time between our last conversation with Him and our next, we need to open our hearts to Him in honesty. If we have problems with understanding things, we need to ask for help. If we have problems with doing things, we need to ask for help. He is willing and He is able! Don’t assume you know everything…
Points to Ponder:
How often do you withhold the truth from friends?
How often have you thought you can withhold the truth from God?
Monday 12 Sep 2016
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