September 13: Psalm 8:1-9
Key Verse: Psalm 8:4
What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?
Have you ever thought “what am I doing here?” I don't just mean thinking about what we are doing here on earth, but does any one particular instance spring to mind where you found yourself in a strange place or situation and you were not sure why you were there... Just maybe God wanted you to be there; but were you listening to Him to get there?
God is in control of this planet – no matter how much man destroys everything he touches, God continue to be in control. Without Him being in control, the planet would not be orbiting around the sun, nor the moon around the earth. Without Him, our galaxy would not be being held together. He made it all! He made it possible for you and I to be here today! He made it possible for little babies to grow up to be presidents and kings. He gave us the power to rule the world!
God made the sun so we could live! God made the stars so we could find our way at night. God made so much for us – just because He loves us! We don't have to look too much at the world around us to realise that God did in fact create it. We don't have to think too much about the odds of particles colliding and evolution because God is the one who made us... not chance!
The scary part is how He put us in charge of the planet! He gave us the power to rule over the planet like we own it! How are we supposed to be able to do that without some guidance and support from the one who made it? How are we supposed to be able to manage things without support from the creator? God has given us prayer so we can seek advice. He has defeated Satan so we can seek Him freely. He has given us His Word, the Bible, so we can get advice freely. He has given us His Son so we may never have to be separated from Him! Prayer is our direct link to Him!
Points to Ponder:
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Do you allow God to guide you every day?
Tuesday 13 Sep 2016
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