September 15: Psalm 86:8-13
Key Verse: Psalm 86:11
Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.
What do you expect out of a friend? One of the things that you may well expect is for them to be a wholehearted friend? What good is someone who calls themselves your friend one minute and then not the next? What good is a friend who needs you when they are down but disowns you when you are down? Our friendship with Christ needs to be established on truth and understanding. It needs to be open and completely honest. It needs to be close and personal. Without these aspects, we cannot really call it much of a friendship, we cannot call it a wholehearted friendship...
We have learned there is only one God. We know He is the only God who performs miracles in our lives because of His love for us. We know He has created everything and He continues to look after us. We know He is Holy and Just. We know we are not the same, we let Him down, we allow sin into our lives and we often need reminding it is exactly what we are doing. We let sin into our lives and expect to not have to pay the consequences for it!
The only way we are going to be able to steer clear of all the things which will ruin our lives is to trust in the one true friend we have, the one friend who is wholehearted about the relationship, the one friend who never lies to us, never deceives us, never argues with us if we are right. We need to understand our relationship with Christ and we need to allow Him to control our lives more. God is more than willing to teach us, so long as we are willing to listen to Him.
Talking to Him constantly in prayer and being openly honest about everything in your life is the way in which He wants us to be to Him. A good listener is what He wants us to be when He talks to us! Listening to Him as He teaches us to walk in truth and unite our hearts towards Him is just the first step in a long lasting relationship!
Points to Ponder:
How deep are your friendships with your friends?
How deep is your relationship with Christ?
Thursday 15 Sep 2016
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